Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012


Juvenile delinquency that occurred during this increasingly diverse forms, it could have been influenced by the outside world or the more often we call free association. Of these contacts will lead students to juvenile delinquency against the prevailing values ​​caused by the absence of a sense of maturity. In this case the students should be able to distinguish juvenile acts including on juvenile delinquency and know the effects of the association that we do.
Juvenile delinquency that occur there must be reasons that are affected by several factors, including:
Within the family:  
1. There is no openness among family members
2.Do not get love from the parents
3. The economic conditions of families
Within the school:
1. Teachers are unfair to students
2. School environment that makes students easy to steal, lazy learning, and against the teacher.
3. Learning activities that are not smooth
If student / youth has been in juvenile delinquency, they can only do one called storage or aberrant behavior. Where students who behave improper / deviate from the values ​​of good in society according to religious values, social customs.
Mischievous consequences of student / youth:
1). Moral ruin
2). Fall in free association, for example
• Consuming drugs
• Fights between students
• Free Sex
• etc
3). Put to shame the family / parents tarnish
4). Impair our performance
5). Etc. 

In everyday life, juvenile delinquency would happen during the growth period the students today. But it can be prevented, by way of interaction, namely:
1). In a family environment, to be held open relationship and communication between fellow members of family.
2). If classified as deviant behavior occurs, do not be angry with students, but the encounter with the heart and the mind calm and clear.
3). Provide guidance students are classified as a whole, so that each student satisfaction and success and created a harmonious classroom atmosphere relaxed and fun.
4). Understand the limitations of student owned, so the teacher should help to provide assistance to students who have difficulty in developing self.
5). Understand all the tools are different.
6). Take care of our association with anyone with the attention to the norms of the place.
7). Should be able to distinguish the bad thing and a good case for our association so as not to fall to free association.
8). The need / importance of parents' role in educating a child.
9). Provide experience for students who are doing positive activities.
10). Etc.
In this case the elderly very important role to prevent delinquency the parents of students because here people closest to the student / youth, from the need to be open, complementary, and communication between parents and students. Here the question of transparency and communication are complementary:
Openness, including:
1). Mutually honest to each other member of the family
2). It is no closure
3). Always talk all the right hearts
Co-exist, including:
1). Complement the lack of family members
2). Fill the gap between inter-faith
3). Help each other if any problems